About us
Welcome to Northcote Medical
If you are seeking a Northcote doctor, we are equipped with state of the art facilities, experienced doctors and efficient personnel, Northcote Medical is the utmost professional and reliable private medical centre.
Extensive experience that surpasses a combined 60 years of knowledge and accreditations is what propels our medical centre and solidifies Northcote Medical as the leading patient care and assistance practice in Melbourne.
Our Fees
Fees at Northcote Medical
Northcote Medical is a private GP clinic. We welcome all patients to make an appointment with us at any time.
Patient Feedback
Your feedback is valuable to us and treated very seriously. If you have any concerns with our service we would like to hear about it. Feel free to discuss the matter with our practice staff or email our practice manager on reception@northcotedoc.com.au. Every effort will be made to resolve matters to your satisfaction, however should you prefer a more formal resolution please direct your correspondence to:
Health Complaints Commissioner
Level 26, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Toll Free: 1300 582 113
Fax No. 03 9032 3111
Email: hcc@hcc.vic.gov.au
Patient Personal Health Records
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. No information regarding a patient will be given to any other person or organisation (by telephone or otherwise) without expressed permission from the patient. We abide by the strict National Privacy Principles available at www.privacy.gov.au/health/index.html or https://www.oaic.gov.au.
At Northcote Medical we have the utmost respect for your privacy and confidentiality of your medical record. It is our policy to keep your personal health information secure at all times and to ensure that it is only available to authorised members of staff.
Northcote Medical is bound by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (suject to any exemptions that apply to us under that Act).
Please let us know if you would like a full copy of the Northcote Medical privacy policy by contacting reception@northcotedoc.com.au.
Continuity of Care
Good health is more than an absence of illness or pain, it is total well-being and lifelong resilience. That's why Northcote Medical believes in a high quality, cooperative and trust filled healthcare relationship over the length of your attendance at Northcote Medical.
In order to develop meaningful and ongoing continuity of care for every patient, we ask you to nominate your preferred doctor. This GP will maintain your electronic medical record and inform you of periodic health checks as required. They will be the person you see for routine health care and for emergency care when possible.